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RENTAL: Modified RE-1077 Design with Storage Closet with Locking Door, Lightbox on Front Left Panel, 48" Monitor, RE-1567 Backlit Counter, and SEG Fabric Graphics Rental Counter with Locking Storage Full-size Closet Storage

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

RENTAL: Modified RE-1077 Design with Storage Closet with Locking Door, Lightbox on Front Left Panel, 48" Monitor, RE-1567 Backlit Counter, and SEG Fabric Graphics
RENTAL: Custom Island Design with Conference/Storage Room with White Laminated Product Shelves, 12 Ft. High Double-Sided Lightbox, RE-1567 Backlit Reception Counter, RE-1572 L-Shape Backlit Counter, (2) Large Monitor Mounts, Double-Sided Kiosk with RE-120 Rental Island Exhibit -- Shelving Tower Rental Island Exhibit -- Monitor Kiosk Rental Island Exhibit -- Backlit Fabric Graphic Rental Island Exhibit -- Storage Closet with Sintra Graphics Rental Island Exhibit -- Backlit Counter Rental Island Exhibit -- Locking Storage

Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands

RENTAL: Custom Island Design with Conference/Storage Room with White Laminated Product Shelves, 12 Ft. High Double-Sided Lightbox, RE-1567 Backlit Reception Counter, RE-1572 L-Shape Backlit Counter, (2) Large Monitor Mounts, Double-Sided Kiosk with RE-1202 Counter, Double-Sided Kiosk with White Laminated Shelves, (5) LED Arm Lights, and SEG Fabric Graphics
RENTAL: RE-1235 Half Circle Counter with Direct Print Sintra Graphics RENTAL: RE-1235 Half Circle Counter with Direct Print Sintra Graphics

Booth Size: Counters

RENTAL: RE-1235 Half Circle Counter with Direct Print Sintra Graphics
RENTAL: Modified RE-1077 with Storage Closet with Locking Door, (2) Lightboxes, 47" Monitor, RE-1567 Backlit Counter, and SEG Fabric Graphics RENTAL: Modified RE-1077 with Storage Closet with Locking Door, (2) Lightboxes, 47" Monitor, RE-1567 Backlit Counter, and SEG Fabric Graphics RENTAL: Modified RE-1077 with Storage Closet with Locking Door, (2) Lightboxes, 47" Monitor, RE-1567 Backlit Counter, and SEG Fabric Graphics

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

RENTAL: Modified RE-1077 with Storage Closet with Locking Door, (2) Lightboxes, 47" Monitor, RE-1567 Backlit Counter, and SEG Fabric Graphics
VK-4025 Custom Modular Exhibit with Shelves, Puck Lights, Fabric Graphics, Custom Parsons Counter, and Locking Storage Closet VK-4025 Custom Modular Exhibit with Shelves, Puck Lights, Fabric Graphics, Custom Parsons Counter, and Locking Storage Closet VK-4025 Custom Modular Exhibit with Shelves, Puck Lights, Fabric Graphics, Custom Parsons Counter, and Locking Storage Closet VK-4025 Custom Modular Exhibit with Shelves, Puck Lights, Fabric Graphics, Custom Parsons Counter, and Locking Storage Closet

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

VK-4025 Custom Modular Exhibit with Shelves, Puck Lights, Fabric Graphics, Custom Parsons Counter, and Locking Storage Closet [57345]
Custom Lightboxes with Bridge and Lightbox, Closet, Reception Counter, Monitor Mount, and Product Stand Custom Reception Counter with Storage Custom Reception Counter with Storage Bridge Lightbox Product Stand Show Photo

Booth Size: 10' x 30' Displays

Custom Lightboxes with Bridge and Lightbox, Closet, Reception Counter, Monitor Mount, and Product Stand [57894]
Custom SuperNova LED Lightbox with Large Monitor Mount, SEG Fabric Graphics, Custom Reception Counter with Backlit Logo, and MOD-1453 Charging Table with RGB Programmable Lights Custom SuperNova LED Lightbox with Large Monitor Mount, SEG Fabric Graphics, Custom Reception Counter with Backlit Logo, and MOD-1453 Charging Table with RGB Programmable Lights Custom Reception Counter -- Front Custom Reception Counter -- Rear MOD-1453 Charging Table with RGB Programmable Lights

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

Custom SuperNova LED Lightbox with Large Monitor Mount, SEG Fabric Graphics, Custom Reception Counter with Backlit Logo, and MOD-1453 Charging Table with RGB Programmable Lights [57961]
Modified MOD-1297 Portable Counter with Additional Shelf and Locking Storage Modified MOD-1297 Portable Counter with Additional Shelf and Locking Storage

Booth Size: Modular Counters and Pedestals

Modified MOD-1297 Portable Counter with Additional Shelf and Locking Storage [57879]
SYK-1015 Symphony Portable Display with SEG Graphics, Wireless Charging, Workstation, and Monitor Mount

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

SYK-1015 Symphony Portable Display with SEG Graphics, Wireless Charging, Workstation, and Monitor Mount [57956]
VK-1977 SuperNova LED Lightbox with SEG Graphics and SYM-407 Counter with Locking Storage VK-1977 SuperNova LED Lightbox with SEG Graphics and SYM-407 Counter with Locking Storage

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

VK-1977 SuperNova LED Lightbox with SEG Graphics, Monitor Mount, and SYM-407 Counter with Locking Storage [57993]
Custom Peninsula Island Exhibit with Gravitee Modular Panels (backwall), Laminated Bridge with Pendant Lights, Prep Counters with Storage, Reception Counter with Storage, Interior and Exterior Shelves, Locking Closet, and 3-sided Graphic Façade for Produ Custom Peninsula Island Exhibit Counter and Closet Storage Interior Counter Shelves 3-sided Graphic Façade for Product Displays

Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands

Custom Peninsula Island Exhibit with Gravitee Modular Panels (backwall), Laminated Bridge with Pendant Lights, Prep Counters with Storage, Reception Counter with Storage, Interior and Exterior Shelves, Locking Closet, and 3-sided Graphic Façade for Product Displays [57733]
VK-1972 SEG Frame with Fabric Graphics VK-1972 SEG Frame with Fabric Graphics

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

VK-1972 SEG Frame with Fabric Graphics (non-backlit) [57930]
(3) VK-1904 SEGUE Sunrise Displays with SEG Fabric Graphics (3) VK-1904 SEGUE Sunrise Displays with SEG Fabric Graphics

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

(3) VK-1904 SEGUE Sunrise Displays with SEG Fabric Graphics [58014]
TF-513 Portable Hybrid Display with Pillowcase and Direct Print Graphics. Storage, Monitor Mount, Stem Light, MOD-1552 Modular Counter, and MOD-1371 Rotating Tablet Stand TF-513 Portable Hybrid Display with Pillowcase and Direct Print Graphics. Storage, Monitor Mount, Stem Light, MOD-1552 Modular Counter, and MOD-1371 Rotating Tablet Stand MOD-1552 Modular Counter and MOD-1371 Rotating Tablet Stand (unassembled)

Booth Size: 10' x 10' Displays

TF-513 Portable Hybrid Display with Pillowcase and Direct Print Graphics. Storage, Monitor Mount, Stem Light, MOD-1552 Modular Counter, and MOD-1371 Rotating Tablet Stand [57947]
20 ft. Double-sided LED SuperNova Lightbox with Fabric Graphics. Converts to (2) VK-1968D 10 ft. Inline Displays

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

20 ft. Double-sided LED SuperNova Lightbox with Fabric Graphics. Converts to (2) VK-1968D 10 ft. Backlit Displays [58001]
MOD-1585c Custom Counter with Wireless Charging Custom Pedestals with LED Accent Lights and Storge MOD-1519 Backlit Counter with Shelves, Storage, and Wireless Charging

Booth Size: Counters

MOD-1585c Custom Counter with Wireless Charging and Locking Storage, (2) MOD-1593 Pedestals with LED Accent Lights, and MOD-1519 Backlit Counter with Shelves, Storage, and Wireless Charging [57975, 57978, 57935]
VK-2995 SuperNova LED Lightbox Inline with Tension Fabric Graphics, Attached LED Lights, and MOD-1519 Backlit Counter with Storage VK-2995 SuperNova LED Lightbox Inline with Tension Fabric Graphics, Attached LED Lights, and MOD-1519 Backlit Counter with Storage

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

VK-2995 SuperNova LED Lightbox Inline with Tension Fabric Graphics, Attached LED Lights, and MOD-1519 Backlit Counter with Storage [57935]
Custom Island Exhibit with Multiple Lightboxes, Gravitee Tower, Puck Lights, Closet Storage, (2) Product Showcases, (2) MOD-1706 Parsons Counters, and (1) MOD-1454 Square Charging Table with Wireless Pads Custom Island Exhibit with Multiple Lightboxes, Gravitee Tower, Puck Lights, Closet Storage, (2) Product Showcases, (2) MOD-1706 Parsons Counters, and (1) MOD-1454 Square Charging Table with Wireless Pads Product Showcase Counter LED Lightboxes Lightbox with Fabric Graphics MOD-1454 Charging Table and Product Showcases

Booth Size: 30' x 30' Islands

Custom Island Exhibit with Multiple Lightboxes, Gravitee Tower, Puck Lights, Closet Storage, (2) Product Showcases, (2) MOD-1706 Parsons Counters, and (1) MOD-1454 Square Charging Table with Wireless Pads [57835]
Modified ECO-4086 Sustainable Island Exhibit with (3) Reception Counters with Locking Storage, Tower with Walk-in Storage, Monitor Mounts, Shelves, Canopies, Lightbox, and Round Overhead Sign Modified ECO-4086 Sustainable Island Exhibit with (3) Reception Counters with Locking Storage, Tower with Walk-in Storage, Monitor Mounts, Shelves, Canopies, Lightbox, and Round Overhead Sign

Booth Size: 20' x 20' Islands

Modified ECO-4086 Sustainable Island Exhibit with (3) Reception Counters with Locking Storage, Tower with Walk-in Storage, Monitor Mounts, Shelves, Canopies, Lightbox, and Round Overhead Sign [57003]
VK-2949 SuperNova LED Lightbox with Backlit Fabric Graphics VK-2949 SuperNova LED Lightbox with Backlit Fabric Graphics

Booth Size: 10' x 20' Displays

VK-2949 SuperNova LED Lightbox with Backlit Fabric Graphics [57938]